Agents of Change Farm

We envision an alternative to these endangered children, by offering a different outlet besides jail.

Purpose of the Product/Services

The intent of this non-profit is to rehabilitate the minority poor at risk youth by housing them in a familial environment that provides education and a clear road map to higher education. It would be the intent of this non-profit to work in collaboration with many organizations within the community that have the ability to clearly identify at risk youth, such as juvenile corrections facilities, educational facilities, and foster care programs. In addition to this it would be in the best interest of this organization to collaborate with other organizations to promote sustainable ideas in environmental conservation and organic farming and sustainability such as the Nature Conservancy. This non-profit would be dedicated to provide not only a familial environment for the youth but in conjunction with this a therapeutic living environment, and a work training program that would be incorporated with their educational goals.  

Stage of Development

The goal for this non-profit is to be completely sustainable and in order to do so it is pertinent that we present a marketable product to the market place. In order to house the said youth and reach all program goals while building a sustainable market place commodity we would like to establish our non-profit on a farm. Our farm would grow organic crops in an environmentally sustainable manner while incorporating this knowledge into the educational curriculum of the students. In order to maintain our sustainability it would be our goals to not only take our crops to market but to also include them in local farmers markets and present some produce in pickled and jarred form.

Product and service limitations

At this time we are at the beginning stages of our development. This stage could be thought of the formation of an idea while assessing the needed tools to bring it to life. This is a critical stage of development and is backed by passion and intelligence that is unparalleled. Some of the limitations that are faced by the creation of this organization are manifold. The first and most apparent is that of the historical legacy of this problem and the cultural ideas of exclusion that support the perpetuation of this problem.  Also, considering the enormity of this problem it appears to daunting for one organization. With that said it is pertinent to know that this organization alone is not shouldering this problem but it would like to work with many non-profit organizations, in collaboration to maximize the positive outputs.

Related Products/Services and Spin-Offs

Considering the sustainable aspect of this organization it is of the utmost importance that insurance is purchased. There are many types of insurance that would be necessary to insure the safety of staff as well as crops and any hardened buildings that may be run by the organization.  Other liabilities lie in the realm of any legal matters and are therefore limitless considering the living legal system in which we live with.


Due to the creation of this organization the over-representation of the minority poor community within the correctional system could decline. This could have an overall positive effect on the current employment status and family structure within the minority poor community.  As a side effect of the sustainable aspect in our non-profit the global way in which business is done can positively change. Contracting out would be a condition that would be handled in an as needed basis. It is feasible to say that this subcontracting would be a side effect of organizational growth and would be handled with care by the current director and the board of trustees.  

We want envision the same premise as the local agency Hilltop Urban Gardens, located in Tacoma, Washington.  Please visit their website at